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Common Tasks

Import CWE entries

You can import CWE data into the PeCoReT database. The data is shipped with PeCoReT by default and is available as XML file in the resources' directory.

python import_cwe_entries

Import vulnerability templates

If you want to populate the database with vulnerability templates (in addition to the UI), you must run the following command:

python import_vulnerability_templates /opt/my_pecoret_templates

Import default vulnerability templates

If you want to use the default vulnerability templates, get a copy of the templates.

git clone

To import the default templates, you may use this command:

python import_vulnerability_templates default_templates/vulnerability_templates

Import default cronjobs

A management command is available to initialize some default cronjobs (e.g. delete expired memberships)

python init_default_cronjobs

Import Sample Data

If you want to import some sample data, you can run the following management command:

python sampledata

The script will create a new user hschrader with the password InitialPassword123.