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Vulnerability Templates

Vulnerability Templates can be deployed using a simple directory structure. These templates can be imported into the database using the import_vulnerability_templates management command.

The default templates repository include a set of vulnerability templates. However, these templates are not required, you can also start from scratch and create your own templates using the UI or local files.

A vulnerability template needs an info.yaml file which describes some metadata of the vulnerability. An example of the default Broken Access Control vulnerability is shown below:

- id: broken-access-control
severity: high
cwe: 284
category: access-control
name: Broken Access Control
name: Fehlerhafte Zugriffskontrolle

A locale directory contains a directory for multiple languages. In the subdirectories, a and file is required.

The default templates repo comes with a _template directory, which is not imported into the PeCoReT database, but can be used as a template for your new vulnerability.