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Attack Surface Monitoring

The Attack Surface Monitoring feature is a powerful tool designed to assist pentesters in tracking and monitoring various targets, programs, tags, and findings It allows users insights into the attack surface of their clients' systems.


This feature is currently a work in progress and should not be used in production environments.


The Attack Surface Monitoring feature is accessible only to users belonging to the pentesters group.


Programs serve as a way to group targets. For instance, a program can be named after a customer, and all relevant targets can be grouped under this program. Programs may include a description to provide additional context. It can be used as containers for organizing targets similar to bug bounty programs.


Users can define targets in a more unstructured manner, allowing for the inclusion of a wide range of assets and entities. Targets can be defined based on various criteria such as URLs, hostnames, or any other relevant identifiers. IP addresses are also tracked for targets in a separate field. Targets represent the entities being tracked and monitored for findings. Each target can have associated tags and technologies.

Targets can have an arbitrary amount of metadata. These data can be stored using key-value pairs. Examples for using these metadata fields are URLs discovered using directory fuzzing.


Tags can be assigned to targets for better organization and categorization. They provide a flexible way to classify targets based on various criteria.


Findings are created for targets and represent discovered vulnerabilities or issues. Each finding has a name and can include additional details about the vulnerability or issue. They can be created manually through the web interface or in automated way using the scanner.